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The South African real estate market has been a solid investment option for decades, and even in times of economic recession, high interest rates and high inflation, the market remains a viable option for investors.

According to a report by PwC, the South African real estate market has shown steady g...

21.01.23 06:02 PM - Comment(s)

As a property investor, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of chasing returns and constantly looking towards the future. But it's important to remember to take a step back and live in the present moment.

Making a conscious effort to appreciate and be grateful for yourself and those a...

09.01.23 09:43 AM - Comment(s)

Is it still profitable to invest in rental property in South Africa?

Investing in rental property can still be profitable in South Africa, even though interest rates are rising and expropriation without compensation has been passed in parliament. Here are a few reasons why:

  • High demand for rental prop...
06.01.23 08:30 AM - Comment(s)

So in my first post, about a year ago, I got all the way up to starting RPIC (Pty) Ltd, a property investment company. I will keep off from there, and circle back to some other ventures and activities, such as EasyBuild Bricks, our other property ventures, HiVeld Signs, my goat farm, the rabbits and...

31.08.22 02:30 PM - Comment(s)


Buying your first property can be an exciting and stressful time. You’ve probably spent years saving up for a deposit, so you want to make sure that you get the best deal possible. But there are plenty of things to consider in order to ensure that your investment is successful. So let's...

30.08.22 07:30 AM - Comment(s)


Purchasing a property is a big decision, and it's important that you are fully informed about the potential costs and risks involved in doing so. This is where due diligence comes in. Due diligence is the process of looking into a property before purchasing it to ascertain the costs of a...

27.08.22 10:54 AM - Comment(s)



Property investing is a wealth creation vehicle. It has been for centuries and will continue to be for decades to come. In fact, you don't even have to be a good investor in order to profit from property investment. I'll explain how later ...

25.08.22 10:41 AM - Comment(s)


 How my story started... The foundations

So, it's 1988, a coldish day in May, in the beautiful city of Pretoria when this little fellow is born. Yup, this little fellow is me.

Now, you might be asking why the hell I'd start off a blog about success, riches and the pursuit thereof with a st...

17.06.21 05:12 PM - Comment(s)