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Real Estate Secured Crowd Investing

RESCI: A Commitment to Secure and Transparent Real Estate Investment

About RESCI (Real Estate Secured Crowd Investments)

Welcome to RESCI, where we are not just changing the game in real estate investment; we're creating a whole new playing field. RESCI stands for Real Estate Secured Crowd Investments, a name that reflects our commitment to providing secure, transparent, and strategic investment opportunities in the property market. Our approach diverges significantly from traditional Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Joint Venture models, offering a unique structure based on en commandite partnerships.

Core Principles of RESCI

En Commandite Partnership Structure:

At the heart of RESCI is our en commandite partnership structure. We act as the General Partner, taking on full management responsibility and liability. This structure provides a veil of anonymity and limited liability for you, our investors, known as Limited Partners. Your personal assets are safeguarded, and your exposure is limited strictly to your invested capital.

Investor Security and Limited Liability: 

Your capital's safety and security are our utmost priorities. In the en commandite partnership, you enjoy limited liability status without being involved in day-to-day management or investment decision-making. This legal structure ensures you are not exposed to the full liabilities of the business, offering a unique layer of protection.

Commitment to Investor Returns: 

Our business model is built on your success and satisfaction. Delivering promised returns as outlined in each property's prospectus is not just a commitment; it's the cornerstone of our strategy. We understand the importance of consistent and reliable returns for your trust and the long-term growth of RESCI.

Transparent Investment Process: 

While you do not partake in management decisions, we uphold a policy of transparency regarding investment terms and property selections. Before any funds are received, clear and comprehensive terms are set for each investment, ensuring you are fully informed about your investment's potential outcomes.

Selective Property Investments: 

We treat each property as a distinct investment venture, allowing for meticulous selection and management of real estate projects. Only properties with promising potential are included in our portfolio, aimed at maximizing your returns and minimizing risks.

Investor Empowerment through Information: 

Decision-making rests with RESCI, but we empower you through regular and detailed reporting. This includes updates on property performance, financial statements, and insights into market trends, ensuring you are well-informed about your investments.

RESCI vs. REITs and Joint Ventures:

Our en commandite partnership model focuses on individual projects, unlike REITs' pooled investments or Joint Ventures' active involvement requirements. This model provides investor protection and anonymity, offering stability and predictability by securing investments against property equity and setting clear terms upfront.

Innovative Investment Approach: 

RESCI is not just about offering investment opportunities; it's about revolutionizing how you invest in real estate. By allowing you to 'become the bank,' we enable you to earn interest directly from property investments, a privilege traditionally reserved for financial institutions. This innovative approach ensures that your investment is not only secure but also highly profitable.

Building a Community of Informed Investors: 

At RESCI, we believe in building a community of informed and empowered investors. Our regular workshops, webinars, and educational resources are designed to keep you abreast of the latest trends in the real estate market, investment strategies, and risk management techniques. We are committed to ensuring that you are not just investing with us but are also growing and learning with us.

RESCI is redefining the landscape of real estate investment by offering a secure, transparent, and focused approach. Our en commandite partnership model is tailored to prioritize investor security and deliver consistent returns, making it an appealing choice for those seeking a reliable and straightforward real estate investment experience.
Our Current Investments

Meet the Team

Our executive team, consistent since 2017, is the backbone of RESCI. 

Jaco Roets

Jaco Heads up the board. Born in Pretoria, he holds a Master of Science degree in Project Management from the University of Liverpool.

Jaco has been in the construction and real estate development industry since 2008, and entered the world of professional property investing in 2015.

He believes that the only way to truly build wealth is to build assets that actively provides returns, which can then be capitalized on other investments, rather than a static buy and pray strategy.

Desiré Roets

Desiré was born and raised in Pretoria, she is a Civil Engineer with a Master of Engineering degree from the University of Stellenbosch.

Desiré has ample experience in construction and commissioning of MEP trades, and believes that having professional options and being financially secure is the key to productivity and career satisfaction. 

She is passionate about construction and a dedicated achiever.

Daniel Schroeder

Daniel is a professional structural engineer, currently practicing in the risk-engineering field. He holds an Honours Degree from the University of Pretoria.

Daniel is experienced in the full lifecycle of construction projects, from feasibility through detail design, construction and post-construction risk analysis in view of loss control.

He chose engineering to play a role in giving back to society by creating infrastructure that uplifts the community.

Zander van den Berg

Zander is a professional HSE expert with a proven track record of successful projects nation wide. 

He works with some of the most well-known construction firms in South Africa on major projects as a HSE Consultant.

Zander brings a much needed focus on the compliance aspects related to property investment and as such is an invaluable member of the team.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What is RESCI?
How does an en commandite partnership work?
What are the benefits of investing with RESCI?
Who can invest with RESCI?
Is there a minimum investment amount?
How are returns calculated and distributed?
Can I increase my investment at a later date?
What happens if a property underperforms?
How does RESCI ensure the security of my investment?
Are there any fees involved?
How can I get started with RESCI?
Where can I find more information about current investment opportunities?
What is RESCI?

RESCI (Real Estate Secured Crowd Investments) is a real estate investment company that offers unique investment opportunities through en commandite partnerships. We specialize in individual real estate projects, providing a secure and transparent platform for property investment.

How does an en commandite partnership work?

In an en commandite partnership, RESCI acts as the General Partner, responsible for managing the investment and making all key decisions. Investors participate as Limited Partners, contributing capital with limited liability and without involvement in day-to-day management.

An en commandite partnership is carried on by one or some of the partners, called the general or managing partner, to which every partner whose name is not disclosed (called a commanditarian partner or partner en commandite) contributes a fixed sum of money on condition that he or she receives a certain share of the profit, if there is any, but that in the event of loss he or she is liable to his or her co-partners to the extent of the fixed amount of his or her agreed capital contribution only.

 Because commanditarian partners are undisclosed, this means that they are not presented as partners, are not liable for partnership debts (enjoy limited liability), may not actively participate in the business of the partnership and cannot reclaim payment of their partnership contribution or payment of their share of the partnership profits in competition with the creditors of the partnership. The general partner of the en commandite partnership has unlimited liability toward creditors of the partnership in circumstances where the partnership’s assets are insufficient to settle relevant debts.

What are the benefits of investing with RESCI?

Investors benefit from limited liability, protecting personal assets beyond their investment. They also enjoy consistent returns as outlined in each project's prospectus, transparency in investment terms, and the security of their investment being backed by real estate.

Who can invest with RESCI?

RESCI welcomes a broad range of investors, from individuals seeking entry into the property market to more seasoned investors looking for secure and straightforward real estate opportunities.

Is there a minimum investment amount?

Yes, the minimum investment amount with RESCI is typically R 10,000.00, but this can vary depending on the specific project.

How are returns calculated and distributed?

Returns are calculated based on the agreed percentage outlined in the project's prospectus and are distributed annually, typically on 31 March of each year.

Can I increase my investment at a later date?

Yes, investors may have the opportunity to increase their investment at a later date, subject to the availability of bond opportunities and at the discretion of RESCI.

What happens if a property underperforms?

While RESCI commits to delivering the returns promised in each project's prospectus, in the rare event of underperformance, we have strategies in place to manage the situation effectively while prioritizing investor security.

How does RESCI ensure the security of my investment?

Investments are secured against the real estate assets themselves, and RESCI meticulously structures each deal to safeguard investments as much as practicable.

Are there any fees involved?

RESCI operates on a unique fee structure that aligns our interests directly with those of our investors. We do not charge any administrative fees to our investors. Instead, our earnings are derived from the interest rate spread in each transaction. 

For example, if we acquire a bond on a property at an interest rate of 11.5%, we might offer the investment opportunity to our investors at 10.5%. This 1% spread is where RESCI generates its revenue, directly from the borrower, ensuring that our investors' returns are not diminished by additional fees. This also motivates us to ensure that the deals we finance performs well, as our success is tied directly to the performance of the property.

How can I get started with RESCI?

To get started, simply click the button below and fill out the investor application form. 

Apply to become an Investor

Once the application has been reviewed and accepted, a member of our team will contact you to discuss the next steps. Alternatively, simply contact us through WhatsApp, our website or via phone. Our team will guide you through the process, providing all the necessary information and documentation.

Where can I find more information about current investment opportunities?

Current investment opportunities are detailed on our website, and our team is always available to provide more information and answer any questions you may have.

See our Current Investments

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Partners in the Group

Our partners play a major role in increasing our investment performance.